A Dallas Mosasaur
The AP reports that an amateur fossil hunter from Dallas has, after 16 years, gotten the recognition due him for the discovery of what is being called “the first well preserved early mosasaur found in North America.”
And what the hell is a mosasaur? Well, apparently it’s a rather large, ocean going, predator that livened things up around 92 million years ago. According to the AP, the beastie, officially named Dallasaurus turneri in honor of the discoverer and place of discovery, is believed to be an early version of the mosasaur with tiny feet and hands rather than the paddles which developed later.
The AP quotes the curator of earth sciences at the Dallas Museum of Natural History as saying "This is exciting to us. It tells us the origin of mosasaurs."
So I guess you don’t figure mosasaurs were created during those six days we heard about in the bible? The ability of the American public to compartmentalize itself is amazing. The “majority” supposedly rejects evolution, yet news organizations routinely print stories like this one.
Now let’s be fair. The AP got several quotes from paleontologists about this beastie, so why didn’t they get quotes from Intelligent Design and Creationist folks? I would like to know what the local Evangelical nutcase thinks about Dallasaurus turneri (*cough, cough*).
And what the hell is a mosasaur? Well, apparently it’s a rather large, ocean going, predator that livened things up around 92 million years ago. According to the AP, the beastie, officially named Dallasaurus turneri in honor of the discoverer and place of discovery, is believed to be an early version of the mosasaur with tiny feet and hands rather than the paddles which developed later.
The AP quotes the curator of earth sciences at the Dallas Museum of Natural History as saying "This is exciting to us. It tells us the origin of mosasaurs."
So I guess you don’t figure mosasaurs were created during those six days we heard about in the bible? The ability of the American public to compartmentalize itself is amazing. The “majority” supposedly rejects evolution, yet news organizations routinely print stories like this one.
Now let’s be fair. The AP got several quotes from paleontologists about this beastie, so why didn’t they get quotes from Intelligent Design and Creationist folks? I would like to know what the local Evangelical nutcase thinks about Dallasaurus turneri (*cough, cough*).
This article is ridiculous! Surely someone with any science degree would know that NEVER has anyone found a fossil between two animals, also known as the "missing link". Every fossil mistaken as the "missing link" has only a few bone fragments to determine so.
Thank you
- Bible believing Christian
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