Monday, September 26, 2005

Bible Based Museum Tours

I've heard about this before, but there was an article in a recent Denver Post with details. Apparently a gentleman by the name of Rusty Carter conducts "biblically correct" tours of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science pointing out the "scientific errors" in the exhibits.

How does he know the exhibits are wrong, well, the bible told him so. While I don't agree with Mr. Carter's take on things at least he's honest about the basis of his position. He accepts a literal interpretation of the bible as true so therefore everything else must, in some way, manner, shape or form, be consistent with that truth.

That's a lot more than I can say about the Intelligent Design advocates. These guys try to disguise the source of their position by wrapping things in pseudoscientific nonsense.

It does absolutely infuriate me though that kids are being subjected to this kind of indoctrination that flies in the face of virtually all of human scientific knowledge. I consider this a form of child abuse, but there's not much that can be done about it as long as society continues to look upon religion as something of value.

This quote from the story really got to me. "What do you guys think? Is the world really 4.5 billion years old?" Carter asked. "Nonsense!" one girl called out. The adults in the group smiled.

Note that the verb is "think" as if one's opinion can change geological facts. With this simple question all of geology, astronomy and cosmology gets tossed out along with biology and zoology. That is really pathetic.


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